Sunday, March 22, 2009

Easter Egg

I had an eye appointment for new glasses a couple of weeks ago and I let them talk me into getting the new digital progressive lenses. I am not the least bit happy with them. I am having a difficult time with close up work and I have to look out the top of the lenses for distance by tilting my head down. I guess it will be back to the eye doctor this week for some adjustments. I tried progressives before and wasn't happy with them. I should have known better. I can't stand it when I can't see well or have bleary vision with the glasses. Even with this handicap I was able to complete a couple of projects.

Today I tatted my first Easter Egg. It is a pattern by Eileen Stafford. I enjoyed making it even though I didn't have all of the directions. I missed part of them when I copied the pattern but still it was fun. I used Lisbeth Thread Color Number 115. I do like working with this thread it is smooth and doesn't seem to have a lot of thread dust. I am going to count this as part of the 25 Motif Challenge.

And just so you know I haven't been idle here is a picture of my design for the Design Tat class. I made several attempts before I finished this one and I still have an error. I was going to do six picots on the outer rings but as you can see I forgot what I was doing and only manage to get them on the first ring. So it will be off to make anther model for this one.

I have put aside the needle tatting as it has totally frustrated me. I don't know that I will ever conquer it. I will just have to be satisfied with the shuttle.


Unknown said...


tattrldy said...

The egg looks so 'springy'! Very nice.
Having to make another model for your Design Tat will just make you more proficient! (yeah, yeah, that's it)
I have to laugh a little about the needle tatting - I, too, am a shuttle tatter and think it's easier, probably because I did it several years before I tried needle tatting - but most people find it easier to needle tat than shuttle. I'm with you, I'll stick to my shuttles!

Unknown said...

Hi I just came back over to invite you to my party!

Hope you stop on by for my 1st Blogoversary/100th post celebration! I'm even having a giveaway! Do come on over! Everyone is invited!!! :)